Ahh newborn shoots. I won’t lie, when I started photography back in 2014 the idea of a newborn photoshoot seemed really quite scary... Babies scream and cry right? How do they stop? Oh and they poop… yes they poop everywhere! So my naive 17 year old head thought.

But fast forward to 2022 and they are shoots I really adore doing. Over the last 8 years I’ve picked up tips and tricks from fellow photographers and courses but more importantly, the lessons I’ve learned from each parent has been eye opening. Can you believe I could change a nappy blindfolded now? Or that I quite happily take a crying baby and help settle them whilst mum or dad can take a break? That I’ve dealt with that many poo explosions (that have even landed on me) and can still manage to stomach a chicken Korma that night? Ha! Yes! Progress.

Jokes aside, there is nothing I love more than capturing a new baby being welcomed in to their new beaming families. I meet so many couples with so many stories on their pregnancy journey and it’s one of the most incredible honours that these people have chosen me. Me to capture such a milestone in their life especially after some clients really rocky journeys to get there.

So, why am I babbling on? I often find myself blogging about my couples Weddings, often forgetting that actually, a huge part of my business is in fact studio work. I think a lot of people would love to know what a typical newborn shoot would look like, what images would they receive. So I thought, lets blog a newborn session!

And with a big thanks to Maddison and her beautiful family, I’ve been very kindly, given permission to share with you exactly that! Their gorgeous newborn photoshoot back in Januaray, welcoming new arrival *** into their family.

Enjoy x